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Book my show success story

Book my show Success Story 

Overview in short:

         The new generation of kids will never have the experience of standing in long queues to buy a movie ticket or the disappointment of walking all the way to the theater just to find that the theater is houseful. All thanks to the online ticket booking platforms, such scenarios are a matter of past now. And while booking tickets online the first name that comes to almost all of our minds is of ‘Book My Show’. The company has made booking tickets easier than never before. However, the journey of the company from its inception until now has not been easy.

Revenue model 

Ticketing revenue: This is the topmost source of revenue which contribute around 60% of the total revenue. This comes from internet handling fees and commission on ticket booking. The company charges a convenience fee over and above the price of the tickets. That is what Book My Show keeps. As far as the non-movie event is concerned, Book My Show gets a commission as a part of tickets.

Non-ticketing revenue: Advertising and promotion Any company which wants to promote their artwork of films and short films can approach Book My Show to give them an “interest creation” boost with the online audience. Book My Show can take advantage of their huge page views to promote these new artists and their offerings. Once a ticket has been paid for, it is deemed sold. Now, It can neither be replaced nor canceled.

How Book My Show started

           While he was sitting under a tree and listening to radio promoting Rugby tickets, an idea struck his mind. He researched his idea, understood the market and contemplated a strategy. He then came back to India, quit his job immediately and decided to start his own company. At the age of 24, he launched his first-ever internet venture “Bigtree Entertainment Pvt. Ltd.” with his head office being his bedroom. Soon after, he persuaded his friends Rajesh Balpande and Parikshit Dar to join the company. Parikshit took over technology and Rajesh handled finance. Soon the trio began their journey together as entrepreneurs and led the way forward for Bigtree Entertainment Pvt. Ltd.

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